#166 Advanced English Vocabulary Native Speakers Use — Spring Cleaning

Mar 4, 2020 | Advanced Vocabulary, English Conversation

Where I live, March is the introduction of spring. The time of year when we get itchy to start fresh and get everything organized. And that means it’s the perfect time for advanced english vocabulary native speakers use to talk about spring and spring cleaning.

In this Confident English lesson, you’ll get 13 idioms and other forms of figurative langauge that native speakers use.

Figurative language is creative language that helps us to be more effective, persuasive, and impactful. Idioms, metaphors, and similes are all good examples.

These are the same idioms and advanced English vocabulary native speakes use during this time of year. 

Now you can use the same. 🥰

Advanced English Vocabulary Native Speakers Use for Spring Cleaning

Advanced English Vocabulary — When You’re Feeling the Need for a Fresh Start

Usually everything starts with an itch for a fresh start. 

To have an itch for something means to have a restless desire or strong interest for something.

Another fun way to say this?

To feel twitchy for a fresh start.

Why do you want to get a fresh start?

You might feel that the winter darkness is weighing you down.

When something weighs you down, it depresses or oppresses you.

I can absolutely say I’m feeling weighed down by winter and I’m ready for the freshness of spring. 

Do you feel the same way?

Advanced English Vocabulary — When It’s Time to Focus

You need to get into the right frame of mind.

Your frame of mind is your mental mood or outlook. You get your thoughts and priorities organized in your mind.

Then you might set some goals for cleaning your house, your computer clutter, your social media life, or mental chaos.

Once you have a goal, you need to stick to that goal. To stick to a goal, a routine, or a plan means to continue or be consistent doing something.

Sticking to a goal or being consistent is the key to any success. 

And finally, a third way to talk about getting your focus is to get down to brass tacks. My favorite idiom of this lesson.

To get down to brass tacks (or similarly, to get down to business) means to focus on the essentials or the basics.

Eliminate all the distractions. Turn off the chaos. 

Advanced English Vocabulary — When It’s Time for Action

There are two verbs we love to use when you’re doing some aggressive cleaning:

To tackle a mess

To attack your mess or closet or clutter

These both mean to deal with something aggressively.  You don’t stop until you’re done.

Advanced English Vocabulary — for How You Feel When You’re Finished with Spring Cleaning

After a thorough cleaning, your house will be spick and span.

Spick and span means spotlessly clean and well looked after. I love a spick and span kitchen, don’t you?

Or maybe your house will be so clean you can eat off the floor

Okay. Maybe not. Eating off the floor is kind of gross. 

But doesn’t this create an awesome, clean picture in your mind?

When you have a kitchen or house or computer like that, it will be like a breath of fresh air.

And like the the last snow in winter, when you’re finished with your spring cleaning, the stress and chaos melt away. It slowly disappears.

Feels pretty good right?

❤️ Love this lesson?

Check out my lesson on Advanced Conversation on How to Simplify Your Life — perfect if you’re passionate about simplicity and mindfulness.

Now I’d love to hear from you!

Are you a spring cleaner? Are you itching to get started?

Tell me your favorite example of figurative language from today’s lesson and use it in a sentence.

Or tell me about how you feel when your kitchen is spick and span. 

The best place to share with me is in the comments section below.

Have a fantastic week.
– Annemarie

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