#320: What’s the Difference? Lend vs Borrow | Remember vs Remind | Bring vs Take
Confused by verbs like “lend vs borrow” and often wonder what’s the difference? Or what about: “remember vs remind,” or “bring vs take”?
Confused by verbs like “lend vs borrow” and often wonder what’s the difference? Or what about: “remember vs remind,” or “bring vs take”?
Confused about when to use “rather than” and “instead of”? 😕 These two phrases might seem similar, but they have distinct meanings and usages that can make a big difference in your English communication.
Because of and due to are often used interchangeably. But should the be? Learn the distinct differences between because of vs due to for accuracy.
Linking words are a crucial component of fluent and cohesive English communication. They help to connect ideas, show relationships between sentences, and create a logical flow of thought.
Say, tell, speak, and talk — what is the difference between these verbs and how can you use them correctly every time? This lesson is everything you need to use these confusing English verb pairs with confident accuracy.
Recommend vs. suggest are both used to give advice but using them correctly can be a challenge due to specific grammatical structures. Not anymore.
Less and fewer have similar meanings and uses in English; as a result, they are easily confused and mistakes are likely. Learn to avoid mistakes and use them right every time.
Excited or exciting? Bored or boring? If you feel frustrated with these confusing adjectives in English, you’re not alone. But I’ve got an easy fix so you always use the right word.