Position Overview: ESL/EFL Fluency Coach

Speak Confident English is seeking Fluency Coaches to join our team. This role delivers timely, effective, and personalized feedback to students in our 6-week intensive Fluency School course and coaches students in fluency and confidence-building strategies in our live online classes.

Part-Time/Contracted Position

You are a professional in the ESL/EFL industry who is passionate about elevating and empowering women all over the world by helping them develop their English skills to advance in their careers and feel confident in their new English-speaking homes.

You want to shout Yes! to the idea of helping women overcome years of feeling trapped, lonely, and frustrated by their own perceived inability to speak fluent English.

You love uncovering the root to linguistic challenges — whether it’s grammar, L1 interference, word order, or pronunciation — and offering practical solutions that have real impact on a student’s abilities and confidence.

You’re an excellent communicator, particularly in writing, and you can simplify complex linguistic issues easily. When providing feedback to your students, you prefer to lead them toward discovery rather than provide a quick answer and move on.

The idea of working on a small but dynamic virtual team and joining a rapidly growing online language school with a startup culture is thrilling to you.

Job Offer Details

  • Part-time, contracted position — we typically hire for specific dates as our team grows to meet the demands of our Fluency school course
  • This is a non-teaching position; this role primarily supports our students via in-depth, personalized feedback as they work through our Fluency School course
  • The first two weeks will be focused on training and getting to know the team
  • 8-12 hours per week with flexible hours, possibly including some evenings
  • Join a thriving community of highly-engaged students and a passionate international team.
  • Work from anywhere but you must be able to meet our Internet requirements at all times.
  • Competitive hourly rate.

Areas of Responsibility

  • Contribute to student growth by listening to individual recordings and offering personalized written feedback to clients on their speaking skills based on Speak Confident English methods.
  • Provide clear, meaningful, practical commentary on a variety of linguistic errors and assist clients in discovering corrections.
  • Instruct on opportunities to improve and advance speaking skills such as summarizing, organizing information, sharing opinions, word order, and presenting information.
  • Address difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, and stress.
  • Communicate with compassion and encouragement to nurture confidence while providing effective corrections and feedback.
  • Complete feedback in a timely, professional manner (within 36 hours of the client completing a task in their online course). 
  • Attend live coaching classes to assist students in small group activities, while also becoming more familiar with the students and the Fluency School course.
  • Consistently seek opportunities to provide support, motivation, and engagement to our community.

You’re a great fit for this position if the statements below describe you:

  • You understand how to provide and are energized by outstanding customer experience.
  • You care deeply about your work and you thrive on going above and beyond, always seeking to over-deliver to students and your team. 
  • You love to write and can communicate in a concise, kind manner that is suited for nonnative English speakers.
  • Your happiest moment as a teacher is when a student has a breakthrough because of a solution/recommendation you provided.
  • You love being on the computer and are tech-savvy. You’re not afraid to have multiple browser tabs open on your internet browser, jumping from one to the next. You’re comfortable using Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc.
  • You love processes & checklists and can follow them easily.
  • You keep track of details, nothing slips through the cracks. You almost never have one of those, “I don’t know what happened to that (email, request, document, etc.)” moments.
  • You’re a problem solver who loves figuring out the root cause of a linguistic challenge and finding an appropriate solution.
  • You’re comfortable in a fast-paced environment and you can make the adjustment needed to keep up during crunch times.
  • People describe you as being time efficient and a quick learner.
  • You love the idea of working on a small virtual team in a growing online company and the flexibility it affords.
  • You enjoy engaging with others online and feel at ease working on platforms such as Zoom.
  • You’re comfortable wearing many hats and you do what it takes to figure things out. You don’t say things like, “That wasn’t in my job description” or “That’s not my problem.”
  • You are open to feedback and can self-correct when needed; what’s more important to you is finding the best way forward.
  • You’re great with autonomy and can also contribute to a collaborative team (both are important here). 
  • You’re able to create a productive virtual work routine, eliminating distractions that may inhibit your productivity and efficiency.
  • You practically always complete deadlines early and get satisfaction from completing tasks.
  • You’re a born self-starter, always looking for ways to add value, do better work, improve efficiencies, build others up, and make the world a better place
  • You’re ready to embrace the values and mission of Speak Confident English and the community it has developed.

If you can say yes to these statements, it’s a huge PLUS.

  • You have overseas living and teaching experience.
  • You’re proficient or fluent in a second language.
  • You have a commitment to a career in the EFL/ESL profession.

This position is not for you if…

  • You don’t have strong and reliable Internet service and/or you have a slow, old computer that often crashes.
  • You often have technology problems that freak you out or that you can’t solve.
  • You prefer daily verbal communication with your supervisor and the team over written communication.
  • You have limited availability or only want to work Monday – Friday during traditional business hours.
  • You don’t accept regular and detailed feedback well.
  • You don’t meet deadlines well, have a hard time following through, or struggle with efficiency.
  • You easily get overwhelmed and distracted by other tasks or get lost in research.
  • You’re looking for a “side” job while growing your own business.

Qualifications and Requirements

*Only* applicants with the following qualifications will be considered:

  • TESOL qualification (including an MA TESOL, CELTA, or equivalent)
  • 3 years minimum experience teaching adults
  • An effective communicator, especially in writing and via email
  • Able to attend bi-weekly team meetings scheduled on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM (Eastern Time in the U.S.)
  • Ability to keep to deadlines and be efficient with independent work
  • Highly reliable Internet

Location — This position is 100% online; however, please see the note below about availability. 

Availability — This position has flexible work hours but does require some evening hours in order to ensure timely feedback and help students stay on track during the course.

Tools/Equipment — You have your own computer or laptop that is fast, reliable, and virus-free. You will need to install Google Drive and Zoom.

We’re looking for someone who cares about our mission and our clients; someone who really wants to be on our team and who embraces what we do with enthusiasm, not someone just looking for an online teaching job. We aim to grow Speak Confident English sustainably with teachers and specialists who can contribute to the company’s vision and offer skilled, compassionate assistance to our professional clients.

How to Apply for the Fluency Coach Position

  1. Review this job description to ensure you meet the minimum requirements and are available at the specified times.
  2. Complete this application.*

*Competitive candidates will also be asked to complete an Action Challenge which involves providing feedback to a student. Selected candidates will receive a request to complete this challenge via email.

Although we permit side jobs/work outside this position, it must not compete or overlap with the work we do, or interfere with your role and responsibilities within the team. Any efforts to build an online teaching business, provide English coaching online or work in related areas such as building an online business, or creating online courses are not permitted.

We’re looking for someone who cares about our mission and our clients; someone who really wants to be on our team and embraces what we do with enthusiasm, not someone just looking for an online teaching job. Applications that fail to complete the form or show genuine interest in our work and our community will just be deleted.

We recommend reviewing our Fluency School Course Details to get a full picture of the course.

More about Speak Confident English

At Speak Confident English, we act more as coaches and confidants to students seeking social mobility, career opportunities, or comfort in a new English-speaking home: moving to Canada to build a better life and seeking new friendships; adjusting to life as a refugee; working as an executive director and advocate in a human rights organization; a new opportunity to lecture in an international university program; or starting a new company and working with international clients.

Our team works to bring compassion, support, and kindness to the life of each client while also providing practical instruction on how to develop confidence in English. And we believe every success, no matter how big or small, is worthy of celebration.

The ideal candidate should be comfortable with the fact that this will be a contracted, part-time position. There may be potential for additional opportunities based on performance and needs within the company. This will be determined after the initial project is completed. We seek to grow Speak Confident English sustainably with coaches and team members who can contribute to the company’s vision and offer skilled, compassionate assistance to our professional clients.


To make the most of your application and get noticed, we recommend getting to know Speak Confident English. Here are some great places to start:

Meet Our Team

About SCE

To get an idea of what our Fluency School course is all about and the importance of the Feedback Specialist role, please review our Fluency School Course Details page and listen to interviews with Fluency School graduates.


Speak Confident English values the role of its teachers and coaches. We seek to grow a sustainable, committed team and view this as an investment in the company. As a result, we work to provide competitive compensation.

Full details for compensation will be discussed with competitive candidates in the job interview.

Speak Clearly, Get Unstuck, and Sound Natural in English → Available from February 11-25


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