Advanced English vs. Clear Communication — with Special Guest Shanthi

May 31, 2019 | Special Guest Interview for Confident English

As a professional, you might feel pressure to use high-level, advanced vocabulary when communicating in English. But you’re frustrated because it’s not easy to use those words. You might forget them when you speak or feel upset because you don’t have enough vocabulary. Sound familiar? 

You’re not alone feeling that pressure. 

But I have some good news for you: clear communication is simple communication. 

When you need to share an idea in a business meeting or if you’re presenting to an audience, the best thing you can do is avoid high-level advanced vocabulary. 

That’s exactly what I talk about with my special guest Shathi, a communications coach who founded English with a Twist.

A few months ago, Shanthi wrote an article titled Don’t Make Your Client’s Feel Stupid with Your Fancy English. Essential advice for native and non-native English speakers!!

I wanted to talk with Shanthi on this topic and ask her to share her best advice for you so you can feel confident in your English communication. 

Special guest interview with Shanthi from English with a Twist.

Lesson by Annemarie

Advice for Communicating Clearly in English

Ready to communicate clearly without the stress of using difficult English vocabulary?

Here are Shanthi’s top 3 tips when you’re preparing for a meeting, presentation, networking chat, or even daily conversation:

  1. Ask yourself, who is your audience? This can help you determine how to best communicate with them and what language you need.
  2. If you need to use English, what is the level of your audience? 
  3. Then decide what is your message. Consider how you can best communicate that message. What is the clearest, easiest way to structure your message?

Using these 3 questions will help you clarify your message and identify the right language to use.

And guess what — if you’re reading this lesson, you’ve already got the language you need!



About Shanthi 

Shanthi from English with a Twist
Shanthi is an independent online business communications trainer. She’s passionate about releasing international speakers of English from the shackles of speaking fluently (and all the stress and ‘paralysis’  it brings) and to help them gain the courage and skills to become daring and empowered business communicators in English.

Shanthi’s mission: To crush the grammar worrier and release the communication gladiator in international speakers of English.

Check out Shanthi’s blog at English with a Twist

After you watch my interview with Shanthi, I’d love to hear from you.

In the comments below, tell me:

  1. What was your favorite piece of advice from this interview? How will you begin to use that advice in your English communication?

Have a fantastic week and enjoy your English conversations!

~ Annemarie

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