5 Common English Grammar Mistakes with Easy Fixes

Jan 23, 2019 | Grammar

When you are speaking English do you get stuck because you’re worried about making English grammar mistakes? Do you have that distracting voice in your head that makes you nervous and asks ‘was that right?

Today is your chance to stop worrying and fix some of the most common grammatical mistakes. Once you are aware of these mistakes and do a little bit of correction, you can confidently say what you want to say without wondering whether you got it right.

Let’s talk about 5 Common English Grammar Mistakes and how to fix them with some easy solutions.

The 5 most common English grammar mistakes I hear.

Lesson by Annemarie

Additional Practice for Common English Grammar Mistakes

In the Confident English video, you learned my favorite strategies for how to fix common grammar mistakes.

But I want to give you additional practice. Remember: repetition creates habits. And I want you to build good habits in your English. 

So take some time today, tomorrow, and the next day to practice.

Using Ask & Tell

Whenever you use told or ask, right after the verb you need the object pronoun, so basically the person who is being told or asked needs to come in right away, with no ‘to’ in between. How would you complete these?

How could you say you told your brother the news?

I  ___________.

How could you say you asked your boss, Maria, a question?

I ____________.

👇Share your answers with me in the comments section below.

The Present Perfect in English

Remembering the have/has for present perfect takes your English to the next level. So whenever you talk about something that is still true now, including where you currently work, a hobby you started in the past and still do now, remember present perfect:

How long have you worked at your current job?

I _______________________.

How long have you lived in your neighborhood?

I ______________________.

How long have you known your best friend?

I ______________________.

👇Share your answers with me in the comments section below.

Noncount Nouns

In English we have some nouns that almost never need an ‘s’ added even when we have more than one of them. They are already plural and hardly ever need an ‘s’, we call them uncountable nouns. Accidentally adding an ‘s’ to these nouns is all too easy to do, but this mistake is also really easy to fix.

Here are the 20 most common uncountable nouns that almost never need an ‘s’ when we have more than one of them.

  • advertising
  • advice
  • assistance
  • damage
  • equipment
  • energy
  • evidence
  • furniture
  • hair
  • housework
  • information
  • homework
  • pollution
  • rain
  • rice
  • rubbish/trash
  • sunshine
  • traffic
  • violence
  • water

To practice: choose 3 words from this list that you use the most. Create your own sentence using that word, for example:

  • One of my job responsibilities is to provide timely responses and information to clients.
  • I love to offer advice to my friends.

👇Share your answers with me in the comments section below.

So, now that you know what these 5 common mistakes are, you are ready to avoid these in your English and to sound more in control, more proficient and more fluent.

There is no time like the present, so let’s get started right away. Can you find and correct these mistakes?

  1. My neighbor love it here. She lived here for 10 years. (clue: my neighbor still lives here now)
  2. I asked to her which equipments is best for a home gym.
  3. My colleague taking a day off work tomorrow so I covering for her.

Bonus Question: Can you identify and share other noncount nouns that you know of? If so, list them here. Your list will help others in the Confident English Community.

Have a fantastic Confident English Wednesday!

~ Annemarie

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