How to Describe Personalities in English (8 Idioms You Need to Know)

Apr 10, 2019 | Advanced Vocabulary, Idioms & Figurative Language

Last week with my Fluency School students, I shared an idiom to describe my personality in English — I said I was a wallflower. Have you heard that expression before? If not, then I’ve got 8 fantastic expressions you can use to describe personalities in English easily. 

Watch the video to learn 8 new idioms and review examples so you know exactly how to use them. 

Then it’s your turn to practice! As always, I’ve got some challenge questions for you so you can immediately practice and use these new expressions. 

Plus, if you ❤️this topic, be sure to check out:

How to Describe Your Personality in English

28 Negative Adjectives to Describe People

23 Positive Adjectives to Describe People

Learn 8 advanced idioms to describe personalities in English.

Lesson by Annemarie

Describe Personalities in English with 8 Classic Expressions

Idiom 1: A lone wolf

She was a true lone wolf, her only friend was her motorcycle and the poker game at our local casino.


Idiom 2: A wallflower

I was always such a wallflower, too afraid to talk to anyone new at the few parties I attended.


Idiom 3: A social butterfly

You can always spot a social butterfly at a party, talking to everyone and never staying with one group for too long.


Idiom 4: A smart cookie

My grandmother was a smart cookie, she grew up on a farm but she built a successful business and now she lives by the beach.


Idiom 5: A tough cookie

Honestly, she’s one tough cookie. She can handle any challenge that comes her way.


Idiom 6: A mover and a shaker

George is a true mover and shaker, he knows everyone in the city and is a part of so many important projects.


Idiom 7: A go-getter

She’s a real go-getter, I think she is going to be our boss one day soon.


Idiom 8: A party animal

In college he was a total party animal, I don’t think he ever even went to class.

After you’ve watched the video, it’s time to practice how to describe personalities in English!

I’d love to know:

  1. Which idiom from this list is your new favorite? Try using it in an example?
  2. Is there an idiom you could use to describe your personality? Share with me in a comment.
  3. Choose 1 idiom you could use to describe your best friend or a colleague. Share with an example.

The best place to share, get feedback, and learn from others in the Confident English Community is in the comment section below. I look forward to hearing from you.

~ Annemarie

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