Confident English

Success Stories

Our students take courageous action, see results, and believe everything is possible—even in English. Review their stories to find out what’s possible for you and your English.

Confident English

Success Stories

Our students take courageous action, see results, and believe everything is possible—even in English. Review their stories to find out what’s possible for you and your English.

Before Fluency School, I was afraid to say any word, I was afraid to open mouth, I was afraid to make mistakes. I was shy and I stand in the corner of the room just to avoid any questions or conversations.

I wanted to enjoy my life, to become stronger and confident then speaking English. To join Fluency School was the best my best decision. I am still afraid a little bit, but now I am not afraid to speak, I learn some strategies, and I know that I can do it small step by step.

After Fluency School, I participated in the meeting, made presentations and talked with others.

Eglé, Lithuania

I totally loved Fluency School! It was the only course I got which provided a personal feedback and real techniques that work. I feel that I can communicate much more clearly.

And I think the most important is that I accepted my accent, stopped to feel shy.

Yulia, Russia

Before I took Fluency School, I lacked the self-confidence to speak in English, I used to be so nervous and usually, I will get stuck repeating the same sentence over and over.

Well, I am happy to report that with your help I’ve become more confident and fluent.

Bayan, Saudi Arabia

My confidence definitely increased with Fluency School.

In fact, I was with some American friends yesterday, and one month ago I would have been avoiding holding a long conversation with them, but suddenly, I found myself having a very confident conversation about my professional background when they asked me about that.

Elizabeth, Bolivia

The Confident Job Interview Course was essential for my success! It helped me to prepare myself for the questions during and at the end of the interview and my oral presentation. After reading, studying and practicing I felt truly confident for the big day.

During the interview and the other activities, I was relaxed and I knew if I performed as I had prepared, the position would be mine.

Thayna, Brazil

I got my new job after a month of joining Confident Job Interview Course!!

I was very diligent and consistent, making sure I completed the tasks and sharpened my interview skills! (I haven’t been working for almost three years and I was really nervous.)

Given the high unemployment rate and competitiveness in the country, I was amazed how quickly I got an offer!

During the interviews, I was really confident with clarity, and sharp and able to handle almost all of the questions thrown at me!

Ying, Brunei

I believe your courses are much more than learning English. It could really be life-changing experience 🙂 Especially for shy people like me.

I am saying it not only because I achieved my goal of getting a job, but because I feel different as a person: more courageous, positive and definitely more confident. I think all the skills that you teach us are very important in everyday life.

And Confident Job Interviews course exceeded all my expectations! I couldn’t be more grateful for it.

Gintare, Lithuania

I had my first job interview in English (ever) earlier this week and it went well. Actually so good that I was hired to the job I had applied to. I think that without your tips the interview would not have been so successful for me. I am so glad to start at this new job and glad that I found you.”

Eva, Finland

Ala, Slovakia

“I think I’m more confident in my speaking, since I’ve learnt a lot from you and from other participants.

To say it very simply, I’ve accomplished many others – improving my accuracy and fluency.

Thank you 1000x Annemarie for all your hard effort 🙂 One more time, I truly from my heart thank you for an opportunity to participate. It was very supportive, interesting and challenging for me. Your calm voice was very relaxing and supportive for me and I felt safe.”

Anna, Urkaine

“It’s easier to speak about different topics without much time for thinking how to say what I want. And I definitely extended my vocabulary with new phrasal verbs.

I love the challenge. It pushed me to think faster and speak fluently!

Without encouragement, support and comfortable communication it’s impossible to achieve the progress which all of us did for a short period of time.”

“The course was extraordinary experience. I have made it to the end and now I feel great about myself. This was exactly what I needed to improve my speaking abilities.

Annemarie is the best teacher ever and my group was the greatest one! I have learned a lot of new words, phrases, idioms and expressions. I have improved a lot of my grammar issues.

And finally, I have no problems to speak English aloud.

Michaela, Croatia

“To be a good teacher is a hard work, but to be a real teacher is a gift! Annemarie, you are a real teacher who motivates to go ahead, encourages and what is more important to make everyone believe in his/her success!

Thanks to my participation, I got a great experience of communication with people of different countries, improved my speaking skills and mastered new abilities. Thank you very much, Annemarie, for your creative, friendly and innovative approach to each student!”

Olga, Ukraine

“There are lots of changes in my English. One of these changes is that I have the boldness to use English with anyone without being nervous. 

The greatest benefit for me is the feedback and the comments after making challenges, and I learned a lot from my teacher and the other participants.”

Shatha, Jordan

“I’d like to share that Fluency Challenge was very helpful for me and I’d love to continue.

I like Annemarie’s method of teaching that’s why I’ve always felt comfortable and became more confident time by time.”

Tamo, Georgia

Adriana, Romania

“I appreciated the diversity of topics with the emphasis on being concise, coherent and creative, following a timing, I also noticed the seriousness and the involvement of Annemarie who always corrected and offered feedback for every participant. I felt a big connection between her and all participants.

I found guidance, friendship, discipline, professionalism, involvement, everything, in one place. Thank you very much, Annemarie, for this opportunity!”

Honestly, a month ago I wasn’t sure that this jump into Fluency with Speak Confident English help me to improve my English level. I used to a lot of different practices and still found my listening skills not well. But now I know one important thing – everything is possible if you do it every day and if you have fun!”

Yulia, Russia

About SCE

Speak Confident English is an online English fluency training company created to inspire, educate, and coach international women on how to build the courage and confidence they need to be successful in English—for work and daily life.

Speak Clearly, Get Unstuck, and Sound Natural in English → Available from February 11-25


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