In job interviews and business meetings, you’ll need to talk about your experience in English. These common collocations are essential vocabulary for highlighting your past experience.
Learn 13 examples of corporate jargon trending online and in the workplace so you can engage in conversations with coworkers and follow the news confidently.
Giving feedback is an important skill for anyone who wants to excel in the workplace. Use these tips and phrases for supportive, meaningful feedback in English.
The ability to work effectively with others, share ideas, and work towards a common goal is a key ingredient for success. Collaboration not only helps to achieve better outcomes but also fosters a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.
In this interview with Elena Mutonono, we discuss how to write compelling emails that will get read, overcome the fear of mistakes, the art of follow-up emails, and more.
The Confident Women Community is an online community for step-by-step learning, speaking practice with women around the world, and support for English confidence.
Confident Job Interviews
A step-by-step course for clear communication, clarity, and confidence in your next English job interview.
Fluency School
If you've studied English for years but don't see the results; if you're still too shy or nervous to speak English, the good news is that can change. Click to learn more about Fluency School.