#278: How to Control the Conversation in English & Avoid Uncomfortable Questions
Because of and due to are often used interchangeably. But should the be? Learn the distinct differences between because of vs due to for accuracy.
Because of and due to are often used interchangeably. But should the be? Learn the distinct differences between because of vs due to for accuracy.
Boundaries are an essential part of healthy relationships and effective communication. Use these tips & phrases to set boundaries in English.
Giving feedback is an important skill for anyone who wants to excel in the workplace. Use these tips and phrases for supportive, meaningful feedback in English.
Do you struggle with finding the words in English to encourage friends and coworkers? Here are 6 ways to express appreciation in English.
To resonate with a team, communicate with steadiness and trustworthiness. Get 5 best practices to effectively inspire trust through professional, confident communication as a leader in English.
Share your ideas confidently, even when they aren’t fully formed, by thinking out loud in English. Four strategies for introverts.
Stop missing opportunities to share your ideas when brainstorming in English due to feeling stuck, shy, or too nervous to speak. Get 4 simple tips for brainstorming as an introvert in English
Charisma is a powerful quality that inspires, motivates, & shows kindness. Get 10 simple ways to demonstrate charisma at work in English.
How can you best express your support for a friend’s idea, opinion, or decision? You could say, “I support you.” But there are better ways to say this.
Surprising ways we use vocabulary & grammar to be polite or to be kind in English. Learn how you can use these strategies with your friends & colleagues.