#182: 25 English Collocations with ‘Stay’ [Vocabulary-Building Lesson]

Jul 22, 2020 | Advanced Vocabulary, Collocations (Vocabulary), English Conversation

I love talking about collocations and this is my favorite way to describe them:

You know when you’re choosing what to wear, certain colors, shapes, and patterns just go together really well and make an outfit really pop and look fabulous? Well, words are the same.

Words that just fit together so nicely that everyone tends to use them in that way are collocations, like make friends, not get friends, that sounds awkward. And heavy snow or heavy rain, but not strong snow or rain.

Learning some of these English collocations, or best friend words, can make it quick and easy to put a sentence together. Using them regularly will help you sound more fluent as well.

It’s something native speakers do without a second thought, and it saves time and effort.

In this lesson, you’ll learn 25 collocations with the word ‘stay’ and we’ll focus on 5 categories:

  1. Stay focused
  2. Stay updated
  3. Stay in one place/remain where you are
  4. Stay with someone
  5. How long you might stay

25 English Collocations with ‘Stay’

Collocations for Staying Focused

  • Stay at it
  • Stay on track


Collocations for Staying Updated

  • Stay up to date
  • Stay in the loop 
  • Stay in the know
  • Stay informed
  • Stay tuned
  • Stay in touch

Collocations for Staying in One Place (Remaining as You Are)

  • Stay together (stay in a relationship)
  • Stay in bed/at home/at work/late/
  • Stay safe/healthy/
  • Stay calm
  • Stay home
  • Stay behind (at work)
  • Stay to do something
  • Stay there (don’t move!)
  • Stay still
  • Stay put


Collocations for Staying with Someone (or Inviting Someone to Stay)

  • Won’t you stay?
  • Stay a while
  • Stay overnight
  • Come and stay
  • Stay and chat

Collocations for How Long You Stay

  • Length of stay
  • A long/short/temporary/overnight stay
  • Can’t stay long

For more on collocations in English, check out:

    It’s time to practice and build your vocabulary.

    Choose 2-3 new collocations from the lesson today and try using them in your own examples. That is the BEST way to learn and remember new vocabulary.

    Share your examples with me in the comments section below for feedback and learn from others in the Confident English Community.

    Be sure to use the collocations, again and again, to keep the new vocabulary in your active vocabulary. Once you’ve done so, you can move on to 2-3 new collocations.


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