10 Smart English Words You Should Use at Work Right Now
Want to sound confident and professional when you talk to your boss, your colleagues, and your peers in English? I’ve got 10 words to help you do that.
Today you’ll learn 10 smart English words, you’ll sound professional, intelligent and positive. It’s an easy way to be more impressive at work… just a few small changes can have a big impact. Who wouldn’t want that?
So, let’s find out exactly what they are. Plus get examples for how to use them.
👉Stay tuned to the end for my special tip on one English word you DEFINITELY want to avoid (and what you should use instead).
10 smart English words to use at work — advanced vocabulary.
Lesson by Annemarie
10 Smart English Words for Work (and How to Use Them)
Number 1: Certainly
Certainly is a great alternative to okay or no problem, which are used way too much in English.
So the next time your boss asks, “Can you get that document to me by the end of the afternoon?”
You should respond, “Certainly!”
Number 2: Modify
Things at work are always changing. The problem is many people don’t like change, so the word ‘change’ doesn’t help them feel good or make you look good.
An easy upgrade here, that can make you sound smart is the word ‘modify’. This means it is a small change, so it can sound less terrifying.
Instead of saying:
‘We need to change what we are doing here because the customer isn’t happy.’
You can use the word modify and say:
‘Modifying our approach would make the customer happier.’
Number 3: Complications
There is a word that puts fear into almost anyone at work, and that word is ‘problem’.
When someone walks into the office and says ‘there is a problem’, no one feels great! So, to sound less negative and impress a little more, try a fancier word like ‘complication’.
Rather than:
There is a problem with the order and it is running really late.
There have been some complications and the order’s been delayed.
Number 4: Sensational
Don’t get me wrong, awesome is a fabulous word. That is exactly why we use it so much.
But at work, saying this is awesome and that is awesome all the time, gets old really quickly and the word loses it power from being overused.
So, it is definitely a good move to change it up and use some synonyms for ‘awesome’.
‘Sensational’ is a good place to start, it has the same meaning, that something is really great or wonderful, and it sounds particularly positive.
If a colleague offers to buy you coffee, what could you say? That would be sensational!!
Number 5: Elaborate
Elaborate is a great verb that just means to give more details.
So instead of saying to your colleague, “what do you mean?”
You can say, “Could you elaborate?” It’s much more polite and professional.
Number 6: Leverage
Companies love the word leverage. If you talk about this at work, you will definitely impress.
It really means getting an advantage, so you could say to your colleague: Modifying our approach could give us real leverage here (which means, if we change what we are doing we could get an advantage). But using leverage sounds SO much better, doesn’t it?
Number 7: Ramifications
The fact is, at work we sometimes have to talk about bad things that have happened or might happen. So why not take that opportunity to sound super smart while doing it?
The word you need in that case is ‘ramifications’ which means those bad things that happen that we didn’t want or didn’t expect.
We often use this word together with ‘potential’.
For instance, when considering an idea at work, if you want to suggest the team thinks about the possibility for unexpected or unwanted negative effects you could say:
“We may need to consider the ramifications before proceeding.”
Number 8: Perplexing
Sometimes things are definitely confusing at work.
Perhaps a customer has done something weird, maybe the files you just put on your desk have disappeared… or that email your boss sent didn’t show up in your inbox. 😬
In these instances it is the perfect time to sound smart. Instead of saying, ‘That’s weird!’ or ‘I’m confused’, use ‘That’s perplexing’.
You are simply saying how confusing something is, but you are sounding so impressive doing it!
Number 9: Straightforward
Everyone likes things at work to be easy.
We hope that a project will be easy, that preparing for the presentation will be easy and that meeting our deadlines will be easy.
Instead of saying ‘easy’, impress with your vocabulary and say ‘straightforward’.
For example:
“Working with this client should be quite straightforward, they have clear goals and timelines.”
Number 10: Like (a word to AVOID)
It is time to talk about the all important overused filler that we all need to stop using so much. The word ‘like’.
This word creeps into way too many sentences. I have heard sentences where it pops up 3, 4 or even 5 times!
👉At work it sounds unprofessional, especially when used as a filler. So, instead of throwing ‘like’ in there, just take a little pause and think clearly about what you want to say.
There are some great alternatives for when we are using ‘like’ to introduce information. For instance:
Don’t say: There are lots of opportunities like this for our product.
Do say: There are plenty of opportunities such as this for our sensational product.
Other options include: for instance or specifically.
❤️love this lesson? Be sure to check out these similar lessons on advanced vocabulary:
10 Collocations with the Word Say
Collocations with the Word Think
Visit my full Advanced Vocabulary playlist
Now that you’ve watched the video and learned 10 new smart English words you can start using at work today, it’s time to practice!
Here is an opportunity for you to use them right now.
Of these 10, which is your favorite upgrade that you could imagine yourself using?
Share it with us below and give us an example or two of what you could say. It’s the best place to get feedback and learn from others in the Confident English Community. We look forward to hearing from you!
Have a fantastic Confident English Wednesday!
~ Annemarie
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Dear Annemarie, I have found your lessons sensational. I am certainly going to leverage this opportunity. The way you elaborate your lessons they are truly straightforward. I would modify my choice of words to sound more professional.
I got admitted to Upenn this year, which is sensational to me!
Hi Annemarie, thank you for this lesson. Certainly, this is the kind of material I need to work with to speak more fluently and straightforward with my colleagues.
Dear Annemarie,I found this lesson very important.”10 smart words to use at work” I really didn’t hear some of the words you gave here but I felt them very essential to use at our work place and even I don’t work now but still they are important to me.I liked the words like Perplexed,Ramification & Sensational very much. Here are my sentences where I used those words. 1.Perplexed – Watching two movies simultaneously I really got perplexed about the stories. 2.Ramification – Have you ever thought of the ramifications of not going to job continuously for one month can put… Read more »
Hi Annemarie,
thank you so much for your sensational and straightforward lesson. I really need to modify my expression such as “certainly” instead of “yes Sir”.
Sometimes it’s perplexing when there are some language complications however I’m sure that It’s important to elaborate my vocabulary.
As a ramification of this process, I can get some real leverage professionally and personally.
God bless you!
Hi Annemarie. Thank you so much for giving us your sensational lessons, such as this one. I will certainly use most of this new ways to express my self, rather than say a overused word. Eventually, I think that it’s very straightforward for everyday language.
Thank you very much Annemarie. The lesson was very sensational and straightforward. I promise to make use of all of them.
Thank you Annermarie!! Certainly I will practice the alternative vocabulary for
work.The video was sensational and really straightforward.
Thank you so much, Annemarie! I had a sensational time learning from you. I do believe that practicing a lot will inhibit significant modifications in my English fluency. It’s a delight to know myself being less perplexed in the use of some English vocabulary. I am getting more confident. You are indeed an effective change agent. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Hi Annemarie,
The phrase “Noted Sir” has been my favorite reply every time our GM sends an email asking me to submit my financial reports. I know that there are other words that I can use to reply him, it’s just that I am not confident to use them. After watching your video, I am now confident to use “Certainly Sir” as my reply. Thanks a lot for sharing those helpful tips. It really helps me to accomplish my daily tasks in the office straightforward. Stay safe.
Hi Annemarie,
Only today I watched the class “10 Smart English Words for Work and How to Use Them”. It was sensational. I’m so perplexing that I decided to elaborate this text and share with you. Certainly I will use all of them without any complication, in a straightforward way, with several leverage, such as, to get a stronger and advanced vocabulary, to be more confident speaking, to feel less nervous and stressed and a lot of others desired and beneficial ramifications.
Thank you and have a sensational week.
Hello Anniemarie!
Thank you for the lesson! I greatly appreciate it.
I will be using two sentences as example for this lesson; modify and complications.
1. “I believe we could modify some guidelines regarding work plans, in order to accomplish a better outcome for our team. Please, let me know what your thoughts on that.”
2. I have found few complications with yesterday’s request orders. I would certainly be working on changing it, as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding on this matter!
Hii Annemarie
The lesson was sensational I really enjoyed it.
We should modify the way we talk to our beneficiaries because some need special care.
There was complication on last month report but we are working on it before quarterly report.
In this project we have a lot of activities to be done, for instance identification and verification of beneficiaries so we need to modify on how we plan our weekly activities.
Thanks better late than never
Best regards
Nyaluak Samuel
Hi Annemarie! What a sensational lesson!! Thank you a lot!
This is my example: ” If we modify our business strategy, maybe there will be some complications at the beginning, but in the end it will give us several leverage , such as an increase of sales. “
Hello, it’s Amel
I love this lesson too, Yes that’s perplexing to aren’t able share thought in others language now we have your helpful cours and your approach could give us real leverage it’s so straightforward and more sensational
So glad you enjoyed the lesson, Amel!
Certainly, I’d like to continue with my Confident English Course, however I have a complication because sometimes I only can take it at the middle of the night.
Hi Noemi,
Thanks for sharing! I’m glad my lessons are useful and you can use them at any time.
If we can modify the startegy of the system, we will do a sincetionel job.
I have gone perplexed after looking lot of videos on english speaking.Certainly, Your site gave me the confidence that iam an english speaker and I can leverage from the offerings. I admire your sensational voice which as such as powerful ,sparks my mind towards the positive ramifications hoping for language improvement.
There are ramifications for not complying with the lock down regulations.
But I thought we were on the same page, that’s perplexing.
You need to give a good example such why is this so important to you.
A good proposal will give a leverage to a better business deal.
Excellent job using ramifications, perplexing, and leverage!!
Oh I made a mistake the other sentence was supposed to be: You need to give a good example such as why is this so important to you.
TQ so much for this class really I enjoy your classess mam. I watch your vedios , your English is simply and easy . Your confidence,smile ,voice , looks is very buteful mam your awesome.
Hello everyone,
Thank you very much Annemarie for your time at to teach through ( youtube, videos, instagram and emails ). For me is challenger at to speak and to write email because I’m beggner and I have litlle experience, more graces you I’m being encourajed.
When I send email, always try to keep in mind the words I will use.
I know I need increase my vocabulary.
Even so, overjoyed trying to correct and correct Typos.
Hi Adriano, thanks for your comment and sharing your experience.
You mentioned writing emails is a challenge. We have several lessons about writing emails in English available on our website. I hope they will be helpful to you.
Hello, Annemarie!
Thank you for usefull information!
I liked some new words for me such as leverage, elaborate and perplexing, especially last one. Before I have heard these words but didn`t khown they meaning. Deffinitely, I will use them at my work to be more professional!
I’m so glad you enjoyed this lesson and found some new words for your English vocabulary, Galyna!
Thank you Annemarie for your great and very useful lesson.
My favorite word is RAMIFICATIONS
I used it in two example sentences:
1. Unhealthy lifestyle causes many bad ramifications like obesity, circulatory disorders and even cancer.
2. Hard physical deformity may be the ramifications of diving into the lake after alcohol.
I’m curious are this sentences good?
My favorite word from different lesson is gregarious.. It sounds so nice! 🙂
Annemarie, thank you so much for your every lesson 🙂
Greetings from Poland
Not a single lesson of Annemarie is complicated or perplexing ! Thank you
Thanks, Sarah! I’m glad to know my lessons are useful.
Annemarie leaves the lessons straightforward. I have to improve my English quickly and for it, I have modified my approach.
Wonderful! Thanks, Marcos.
What a great class. It was sensational.
Just a quick question, when would you consider to use “Touch base”. For instance, I just want to touch base in regards to my application.
Is it formal? Is it appropriate? Would you use something else instead?
Thanks a lot 🙂
Hi Manuel,
Great question. This would definitely be more informal. It’s okay to use with colleagues you work with regularly. But it’s too informal if you’re inquiring about a job application or interview process.
Thank you for the useful and sensational lesson.
You’re very welcome!
Thank you so much for this class, I really enjoyed it.
My two words are straightforward and sensational
1) Annemarie classes are sensational, it’s really improved my fluency and vocabulary
2) Her instructions are straightforward to understand.
All the words modifications are straightforward. To sum up, all professional words are invaluable and give leverage in our communication.
Thank you for this useful lesson, pretty straightforward and clear.
I will be modifying my daily email structure with these sensational new words.
Much appreciated.
I’m glad to hear that, Bassem.
Thank you. It is very much interesting. Your teaching pattern is quite unique and lovely. I will certainly say your lesson will help anyone to enrich their capacity.
Thank very much Annemarie It is very interesting vocabulary words to build my capacity specially in English to write sentences and listening.
Definitely, It is a sensational way to learn English. When you modify some things on your English learning you can elaborate interesting sentences and give more details. SPE always will have leverage for me. Sometimes, I am perplexed and overwhelmed. when, I am trying to gain fluency. Last week I found you when I was looking for a new method and I think that each one of your videos is straightforward to understand and become more fluent in English.
I am looking forward to spending more time with SPE and seeing my fluency as my priority.
Thanks, Annemarie.
Great words to use! I loved the alternative modify instead of change and complications instead of a problem as it really could decrease the overwhelming effect that it could have on the person listening. Thank you!
Modify a strategy to learning English could get huge Leverage!
Thanks you so much Ms. Annemarie for the great lesson.
I am very confident that use of these words will give me real leverage such as being noticeable by co workers and also by the management at work.
Madam teacher I want you to be straightforward anything you’re telling us. Let me jump in here ,what do you elaborate “. In improving English.
My favourIte word is “leverage”.
You know that SCE has a leverage way to short cut your way to fluency in English.
Congratulations. You are formidable!
Respected Mam,
First, I would like to thanks a lot to you whatever you give us absolutely helpful I want to improve my writing skill and fluency please guide.
Hi Annemarie, First of all, I would like to say thank you to you and your team for your dedication and all wonderful lessons that you gave us! I agree with you this lesson is absolutely useful for me and for other learners. I tried to use all nine words in one example to practice what I learnt from you. This is my hard effort because honestly I admit that I’m not good at writing. But I am trying improving it day by day. Therefore, if have any mistake in spelling or grammar in this comment, please correct them and… Read more »
Hi Jane, Thank you so much for sharing your examples here! It’s exciting to see you challenge yourself by trying to use all the new vocabulary. A couple of notes: 1. This a great practice opportunity and I’m impressed that you tried to use so many of these words. However, in normal everyday conversations, we don’t use SO many advanced words like this. Instead, we would only use 1 or 2. 2. There are a few things to fix here: • ____ from your own comfort zone —> We want to change the word form here. We need either the infinitive… Read more »
Hi Annamarie,
Got your all advice.
1. This is just practicing so I tried to use all my new words in a sentence. In normal everyday conversations, I will use only 1 or 2 advanced words like this.
2. Well noted two first points.
Yes, I did mean challenges >.<
Thank you a lot!
I really appreciated of your interesting in English and hard worked, it inspired me to put more hard work in English.
Hi Annemarie,
My 2 favorite words that I want to upgrade in my vocabulary are Perplexing and leverage. Hmm.. I changed my mind I’d like to include modify as well.
1) I know its really perplexing to see charges on the bill , especially when the service was already cancelled. Let me help you with this.
2) Erica, you can give us a ring once you decided to modify your current mobile plan so you could give yourself a leverage to have a new Iphone XS.
Gladeline, I would love if someone on the other end of the phone said sentence 1 or 2 to me! I would think they really knew what they were talking about! Great job!
I think, a lesson such as this one, is very helpful to find alternatives instead of using always the same expressions, the same words.
Much better sounding smart than boring.
Thanks for all the tips.
Greetings from Germany
Hubert, we are so glad you found it helpful. It sure is more interesting to change it up. Hopefully your friends and colleagues get a lovely surprise when you throw these new words at them soon!
To me, the problem with words in English is that they have many traslations to my native language and it could be used in differett contexts that in my language could use it in differents situtaions so, I have always tried what’s the “spirit” of the word so I can use it confidently in different context.
No to say the “irony”
My question would be. How to learn words that you could be used in different situations confidently.
Thank you, as always for(to) teach us English.
Hi Jaime, it is wonderful that you are noticing the subtle differences of how words can be used. I love how you describe it as the ‘spirit’ of a word. Yes, there are definitely situations where a word just feels right or wrong. There are 2 steps you could take right now to help gather more words along with their ‘spirit’. Firstly, listening and reading widely is a big help. Noticing and noting the new words you come across is an important step. You need to be like a prospector, searching for gold. Then, when you find it, don’t let… Read more »
Thank you, Kelly. I don’t know how I could be more grateful.
Congratulations on your subscribers or learners. All of you deserve it
Thanks you so much Annemarie it’s certainly to me that I’m understanding the way you teach it makes it straightforward to me.
Secondly I would like to inform you that I am very glad for the English lesson you teach to us. at the moment. So my English language not enough so please I need more lessons it’s ramifications for me to understand very well. and thanks sincerely. Wal thong